Problem ID: 3557538865368903118
Entered by: Ben Simo

Come back?

Come back to bill pay? I haven't paid any bills with Online Bill Pay?

I last paid a bill with this service only two days ago.

What happens if I click "No thanks"? Will this disable a service I use or just make this message go away?

If Wells Fargo's systems can't remember that I have, and continue to use their service, why should I expect them to remember to pay the bills?



Problem ID: 532048644940274910
Entered by: Ben Simo

Dear Developers

@pikemurdy: Dear Developers, when you create an error message, please help us out and be specific.



Problem ID: 7972318233016873625
Entered by: Ben Simo


@DTonSYFYfans: This blank window & error message pops up constantly (& randomly) for last couple of months.



Problem ID: 8501665130949386165
Entered by: Ben Simo

You haven't texted us in 60 days.

I've been getting these for several days in spite of replying "on" to several of them.

I did reply "on" and was still shut off.

On further investigation, I see that the auto-capitalization feature of my phone's virtual keyboard had changed my "on" text message to "On".  I then text a manually forced "on", and get confirmation that the texts will continue.

Maybe it is just me, but I don't think automated keyword processing should be case-sensitive when users are entering the text on cell phones.

Problem ID: 2340984137375135238
Entered by: Ben Simo

@PWalshWFDI: "Names can only contain low-ASCII letters and numbers cannot begin with a number." what an error message.

I assume "low-ASCII" refers to the 7-bit ASCII characters. However, users shouldn't be expected to know what this means.

Or maybe low-ASCII refers to lower case. Sorry, you must break with convention and not capitalize names.

Can a number begin with a number? What if my name is "7" or "8"? ;)

Problem ID: 379581720994562972
Entered by: Ben Simo

Unanticipated error

@niczak: Hmm, this is definitely not the most graceful error handling I have ever seen. Anyone else having major issues running reports on the @authorizenet website? I keep getting this error message:

When using a computer, I anticipate errors. ;)

Problem ID: 7566759496399969167
Entered by: Ben Simo

Apply Properties

@intkhiladi: An ATM with Windows Error Warning! LOL!



Problem ID: 3244923005962909729
Entered by: Ben Simo

Subsequent errors may happen without warning

@PaulNUK: Moronic error message of the day,from IBM's RAD 7.5

Was warning given before this error?



Problem ID: 848199639955508344
Entered by: Ben Simo

Going in circles... or up against a wall...

There seems to be a problem with the Yahoo News photo page navigation. It doesn't always get stuck on the same photos, but it eventually gets stuck at some place.

Problem ID: 7312438796002087727
Entered by: Ben Simo

You can't use navigation on this site

I enter my correct user ID and password and then click the Log On button.  I get an error dialog.

What is invalid? Do I enter only one value or both the username and password?  That message number means nothing to me.  My valid credentials contain characters that are not alphanumeric.

I click OK and start to retype my user ID.

My user ID is unexpectedly masked.

After a few attempts, the same credentials that repeatedly failed to get me access to the system worked.  I viewed a couple pages and then clicked the back button.

I understand that some web applications don't support the use of browser back buttons, but is no browser navigation allowed?

Apparently my login issues must have been due to my attempting to use a browser to navigate into the application. ;)

If navigation via a browser doesn't work on the site, how is anyone to use it?  Telekinesis?



Problem ID: 2719862834225359882
Entered by: Ben Simo

There are too many addresses in the From box

A from box in Microsoft Word? This dialog didn't come from Word. It came from Microsoft Outlook; which appears to allow me to enter anyone in the address book as the sender of my message.

Is email address spoofing a feature in Microsoft Outlook 2003? ;)



Problem ID: 3013856143655207927
Entered by: Ben Simo


About once a month, I get this Warning Message when syncing my Windows Mobile phone to my computer. When this happens, I have to select Yes in order to synchronize the data on my phone and PC. And when I tap Yes, I lose any changes made to data on the phone since my last sync. Plus, I lose all my phone speed dial settings. Additionally, ActiveSync is flaky enough that sometimes selecting yes means I have no address book on my phone for a few days while ActiveSync repeatedly fails to put the data back on the phone.



Problem ID: 4114548849981422574
Entered by: Ben Simo


@RyanSisson: Cause marketing or guilt marketing? Don't want to give $ to American Forests just click "No Tree" #dostream

Problem ID: 3245692612383027297
Entered by: Ben Simo

Unresponsive Plug-in

Am I wrong to be concerned that Chrome doesn't seem to be able to identify the plug-in that is unresponsive?

Problem ID: 4636589584546618760
Entered by: Ben Simo

No error occurred

@petermahoney: Ladies and Gentleman, may I present to you the most inane example of an error message, ever.

Is displaying an error dialog to inform the user that no error occurred an error?

Problem ID: 2512890105085837531
Entered by: Ben Simo


@lcaller: Arghh Windows error on the Oyster machine after its taken my tenner! This is NOT looking like a good week already



Problem ID: 2881493527608644600
Entered by: Ben Simo

A plea for help?

irgxana - i think photoshop is having a nervous breakdown. i think it may need a hug based on this error message i just got

kittieskrafts - It is asking for your help!!

Problem ID: 586599128031671234
Entered by: Ben Simo

Restriction Policy

"Both cash machines have a windows security error showing on screen #fail" - @aventureben

Instead of improving security, might this security restriction policy error potentially leave a customer's private information, and maybe even funds, open to the next person to come across the machine?



Problem ID: 2984603327416050430
Entered by: Ben Simo

You must have an account to create an account

My session on DirecTV.com timed out and I was redirected to the page shown above. While I find no problem with being timed out due to inactivity, there are a number of strange things on the timeout page.

If I was timed out, why I given an option to say I don't have a password? And why is there a link to instructions for created an account? Likely reusing a generic sign in page.

Then, the Helpful Hints on the right state that I need an account to create an account. Using the same word, account, to describe two different things in the same sentence isn't a great example of clarity.

Problem ID: 4682648210590265605
Entered by: Ben Simo

2 >= 2

"#Eclipse comes with brilliant error messages like this" - @jashaj

Problem ID: 5686178983671800562
Entered by: Ben Simo

Banking coruption

"IN BETRIEB" - Vienna 01/25/10 #bankomat #atm #fail #fb - @minusfortynine

What file is "the file or directory"?  I sure hope ATM users don't have permission to run chkdsk on the machine.



Problem ID: 6681701251374967874
Entered by: Ben Simo

Change your package

Wanting to see what programming options are available, I select the Change Package option on the DirecTV website. The website then informs me "You are only allowed to change your package once a day."

I have not changed my programming today.  I did change an email address and drop a receiver from my account, but I did not touch the programming package.  Regardless of whether or not I had changed my programming package, I expect to be able to view options even if only one change is allowed per day.

Problem ID: 5477417340371242393
Entered by: Ben Simo

Something awfull went wrong in my guts!

"Best error message ever." - @dangarzi

Problem ID: 6561552119718777967
Entered by: Ben Simo

Silverlight plugin not found

"silverlight"? Wow. Good work, Microsoft. - @OllyHodgson

If one can click OK to install the Silverlight plugin now, why is a long URL displayed?  And if a user needs to do something with the URL, couldn't Microsoft have provided a slightly shorter one?

And why does Sharepoint need Silverlight?



Problem ID: 969187175298982128
Entered by: IsThereAProblemHere.com Reader Submission

Error logging in

Michael F reports:

Got this using my Username and Password, and an updated one from the site.

So what is the Error?

It is generally a good idea not to disclose information that could help someone gain unauthorized access to your system, but a bit more information than this could help real customers.

Problem ID: 889373226469063304
Entered by: Ben Simo


"I love helpful error messages like this" - @paulvelocity

Sometimes even software gets discombobulated.

Problem ID: 5957371679892919954
Entered by: Ben Simo

Errors from the Apocalypse

Tweeted by @drunken_hopfrog

IMHO, web sites about pop culture should not contain phrases like "array_key_exists", "the second argument should be either an array or an object", "fatal error", or "cannot use string offset as an array".  ... except maybe in a movie review. ;)



Problem ID: 4228801798099450571
Entered by: Ben Simo

Your desktop is in an inconsistent state

"Anyone run into this error with #vmware view?" - @benwaynet

Due to a potential for data loss, we will force you to logout without providing an opportunity to save the data. Try to login again and retrieve your data. Try. We dare you. ;)

Problem ID: 6042797848968349272
Entered by: Ben Simo

Close Download Manager

The Adobe Download Manager automatically opens after logging into my computer and offers me no options except it. If there are no updates to apply, why did it open?

Problem ID: 2371262077762744868
Entered by: Ben Simo

Hugs and kisses

"Apple have started putting kisses at the end of their error messages, that's nice isn't it." - @bertiestyles

Problem ID: 6125526197448543697
Entered by: Ben Simo

Auto delete is a bug, not a feature

I am in the middle of editing a blog post that was uploaded to Blogger long ago. I select some text to move and accidently press X instead of CTRL-X. Instead of being moved to the clipboard, the selected text is deleted and replaced with the letter x. I quickly attempt to press CTRL-Z to undo my typo and all the text and an image disappear from the blog post editor. Not sure what I pressed, I press CTRL-Z and the document is still blank.

Then I notice that Blogger has chosen to automatically save my document while it was in an accidently bad state. After this save, undo doesn't work. My text is gone. My image is gone.  I did not press any save button.

So instead of automatically saving my document so that I don't inadvertently lose the product of my work, the auto-save feature deleted my document by saving it while it was in a state in which I did not want it saved.  I would prefer to press a save button on my own.



Problem ID: 3702533003915375796
Entered by: Ben Simo

My Account

I log into my DirecTV website account. I click the My Account link at the top of the page.

The following page is displayed; providing options to sign in to view my account.  It appears to be telling me to sign in again.

I click the Sign in to My Account button. I am returned to the page from which I selected the option to view my account.

I click the My Account link again.

This time I click the Sign In link. I am once again returned to the page from which I selected the option to view my account.

I go through this loop several times.  I even have customer support on the phone for something other than what I want to see on the web site.  They suggest I log out and sign in again. I try that and resume the same circular path.

So, I try a somewhat different path.  I noticed that if I mouseover My Account and don't click too fast, a menu pops up offering a number of account-related options.  These links work.

More experimentation shows that sometimes this drop-down list is displayed and other times it isn't. Perhaps my computer is too slow, or busy doing other things.

I then discover that all those bullet items on the My Account  page telling me to sign in were links to the account options.  Due to the instructions at the top of the page to sign in, I had assumed the information on the bottom half of the page was just a list of features and not links to those features.

So, if I am already logged in, why does going to the My Account page tell me to sign in?

Problem ID: 5687592288906768488
Entered by: Ben Simo


“@TeamTurboTax here's the error message i keep getting. i've tried changing it multiple times, in profile and on” - @thelowestdown

Problem ID: 5470768779673849404
Entered by: Ben Simo

A nice catastrophe

"Nice SQL error" - @krummy

What is a user to do when faced with such an ambiguous catastrophe?



Problem ID: 6162180763730660740
Entered by: Ben Simo

Freakish Clown Error 500

"The BBC website error page; the apocalyptic take on the iconic clown + chalkboard made me smile." - @MrCraigWard

Problem ID: 6155158241188155082
Entered by: Ben Simo

Missing Nuts

I go to the DirecTV website On Demand program guide to see what free movies are currently available. This web site allows DirecTV customers to both view the available programming and remotely program their DVR to record a program.

I select movies on the left navigation menu. I then click the Free Movies tab at the top. What looks like movie DVD cover images are shown above the list of available movies.

I click on the image for Mixed Nuts. Nothing happens. Disappointed that clicking an image didn't bring up an option to record, I select
M at the top of the movie list. I browse through the alphabetical list to where I expect to find the movie Mixed Nuts. It is not there.

Additionally, after having selected Free Movies, I am being showing movies that aren't free.

Perhaps the images at the top and the list below use different data?

Since writing this, I have returned to the site and clicking the moving icons at the top is now displaying additional information and an option to record the selected movie. This movie, however, was not listed.

Problem ID: 3468135692757580008
Entered by: Ben Simo

Sorry, temporarily out of service

"ATM or Windows fail? Both?" - @thisguyritehere

Problem ID: 114825672558241937
Entered by: Ben Simo

No party for you

"Error I get trying to buy from @PartyCity. Email I sent last night = no response." - @bschaaf

Party City: How about telling customers why you won't ship to them?



Problem ID: 6551474878894090564
Entered by: Ben Simo


"My favorite error message ever. I always laugh when this pops up on my screen." - @HarrisonEarl

With errors so common, maybe it is a good practice to let software users know that everything is fine.

Problem ID: 4540609026920396695
Entered by: Ben Simo

All or nothing

“How do I print only pages 1 and 2 of this 3 page email? #MSOutlookPrintDialog #fail” - @lumbarius

Problem ID: 5522454756349669934
Entered by: Ben Simo

Penguin Cinnamons

"Added $24 item to cart (TWOK phaser), redeemed points, ???, profit...no, that's an error message.
@thinkgeek getting an error on your site, by the way"

Problem ID: 2715995709974039090
Entered by: Ben Simo


Microsoft Word 2007 won't let me create a mile long paper size.

Maybe a mile is not a reasonable paper size, but why a 22 inch limit? I've printed on paper longer than that with other applications.
