I'm looking for a book. I go to Amazon perform a search based on the author's name. I don't see what I'm looking for on the first page of results and want to change the sorting of the results. Instead of a sort option, there's a Department link with a message stating "Choose a Department to enable sorting." So I click the link to select a department.
Wow! So many options. I guess I'll select Books.

My search only returned results in one Department. Why did I have to select one of the one departments to sort?
Is there a problem here? Am I expecting too much to think the Amazon search engine might show me sortable book results if all the results for my search are books? Might sending me to book results create a new problem?
Is there a problem here? Am I expecting too much to think the Amazon search engine might show me sortable book results if all the results for my search are books? Might sending me to book results create a new problem?
1 Comment:
March 16, 2009 at 5:56 AM-
Comment ID:
Written by: Paul
It's a problem because basic functionality has been lost in the latest incarnation of their site. Nothing worse than providing an option then taking it away without warning one day.
And, yes, I consider "basic functionality" of an e-commerce site to be able to sort by name: a-z, z-a; price: low-high, high-low. Try comparing hundred prices and titles without it.
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