Problem ID: 2526651442421747231
Entered by: Ben Simo


You're sorry? Not as much as I am for having chosen to use Google Docs for this document at this particular time.

A temporaryReadFailure doesn't tell me much. I need to access my document now, not later. The Google Docs Help Center just reveals that I'm not the only one with this problem. Based on others' complaints in the Help Center, it appear that temporary could last a day or more.

My document ended up being inaccessible for several hours. This kind of error gives me reason to question the sense of using Google Docs for important work that needs to be accessible. However, I still like it and use it -- but question its value for time-sensitive work.

In Google's defense, this is a free service and they do have a paid business Google Docs service with live support. Perhaps paying business customers can get this error fixed right away.



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